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Damn Busy Days and Need Update

I was damn busy for the past three days and frankly say, it is kind of devastating me for not able to immediately reply the comments dropped by my readers and visitors. Sorry for that fellas. It is not intended but for the last three days, I didn't have a space for blogsosphere because when I got back from class around 630 pm, I alreadt exhausted.

I don't know how it looks for being a student of other courses, but being a law student, I have a lot to be read. Bunch of notes and bundle of cases. The thick textbooks and a row of statues. Reading cases is the most problematic one because it is the jugdes' / courts' decisions and sometimes you not able to get a clear picture what the cases all about.
Have you ever heard the phrase ratio decidendi? It is a phrase which mean "a reason" or "a rationale for decision". It is one of the most important element in the courts' judgments and for law student's, the ability to ascertain which part in the cases is the ratio decidendi is a vital skill.

You might want to try and then you'll find out how bored reading cases is. It is not easy and it is no fun. But sometimes there are interesting cases which make you cannot stop from reading such cases. Damn! Now I'm talking about cases which will seriously make you boring. Maybe I'm still affected by my past "tight" three days.

So this is just a lousy update to let my blogger friends know that I'm still around the blogosphere writing and sharing something. Have a nice Thursday fellas.

p/s: I have no class on Thursday. So I can empty my mind, take sometimes to blog something. I'll go to KL today coz got something to settle and to meet an "old friend".
Damn Busy Days and Need Update Damn Busy Days and Need Update Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 22, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. Salam ziarah bro.
    Sebab tu lah aku tak minat law.
    banyak nak kena baca dan ingat.
    Ala, kalau minat no hal punya.

    Goodluck bro. Tahn bpe kt uitm tu

  2. you got back from class around 630pm? wow..is there night session class?

    when I studied syariah law, I didnt hear much about ratio decidendi, but prima facie..balik2 baca kes jumpa prima facie hehe

    good luck bro :)

  3. @1315272109588352977.0

    salam bro.
    minat memang minat.
    tp bila dtg part yg susah tu,
    mengah jugak aku dibuatnya. :)

    thanks for the wish bro. ni dah final year bro.

  4. @7841469875323752945.0

    yerp bro.. isnin selasa rabu, class habis at 630pm.very very tired. basically bro, ratio decidendi exist in every case, but phrase "ratio decidendi" itself wouldn't appear. it is one element that must exist when judges made the decision bro. :)

    thanks for the wish bro.

  5. @Fyzal

    ada target nak jadi judge tak?

  6. @898638940546261922.0

    niat tu ada gak bro.. paling2 kurang jadi magistrate. :)

  7. @Fyzal

    bagus2, moga tercapai :)

  8. sian ko sibuk je.. ape2pun smoga berjaya ye! :)

  9. @6919137528205027083.0

    thanks man!

  10. @86160871547937361.0

    nasib badan bro. harapkan jumaat sabtu ahad je yg free. tu pun ahad dah kene prepare utk kelas esoknya.. :(


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