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Formspring. Should I?

Hye fellas. This gonna be a short entry because I've decided to dedicate myself to the novel that I just borrowed from one of my friend this evening. I realize that a lot of bloggers now have a form of Formspring on their blogs, so readers could ask anything to the blog owners.
I've considered whether I should have that Formspring or not but still I can't decide to have one or not. I just felt that if I don't have one, then I'll not really know how it works. But on the other hand, I don't think people will ask me questions if I have it. Hmmm...

So fellas. If you don't mind to share your advice whether I should have that so called Formspring or not, just drop the comments at comment space.

Thanks fellas.

p/s: I also don't have Twitter account up until now. :( Again not sure whether to have it or not.
Formspring. Should I? Formspring. Should I? Reviewed by faizalnizam on August 06, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. bro, aku baru sign up twitter, jomla bro hehe

    about formspring...aku pun takde..terpulang pd bro, kalau buat pun takde masalah, tak buat pun takpe

  2. fyzal.
    nis ade je formspring
    tp bg nis tak bape syiok laa
    bese2 jee
    ouh yer
    twitter pon nis ade tau

  3. don't know whatcu say...coz i myself not put it on my blog...

  4. emiey gune formspring sbg satu perhubungan dgn blOgger2 lain, sb fb pun dh xde..sO, xnak r dikata xb'gaul lak..
    twitter? tak terpikir nak sign up pun..


  5. @8353981395858754100.0

    bro.. ko dah ade twitter yer. aku maybe belum lagi dalam mase terdekat ni. blog ni pun sekali sekala je dpt update bro. :)

  6. @608663450595723055.0

    wah..nis ada dua dua yer. I still can't decide whether I should have one or not. :(

  7. @7961872345465997992.0

    lots other blogger already had it bro.
    just google about it. :D

  8. @2780977502462854188.0

    :) same here.. but deep in the heart, just feel that I want the formspring and twitter.

  9. some said, if u wanna know how things work, go and experience it yourself.i don't have both twitter and formspring

    formspring-it's like a trend to put it on blog like most people did. well, i prefer people to email me instead, the traditional way

    twitter-depends whether u need it or not.most sign up cuz everybody did!...again, it's a trend! tp kalau ko rasa nak make some money guna churp2, ofkos la u need to sign up

    still thinking whether i should sign up churp2 :p


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