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Need A Little Favor Here Fellas

Aidilfitri is just around the corner and it seems that everyone is posting the entry about "Raya's mood". I will delay such entry a little bit. I have this one assignment - the subject named "Jurisprudence" - the title of the assignment is "System Theory".

So frankly say, I need a little favor here if there is anybody out there has better knowledge about this so called "System Theory". Just share whatever you know about "System Theory" and I will consider whether the facts you provided is relevant and significant or not.
Alright to make thing easier. I will envisage a little bit what I know about "System Theory". System Theory is basically originated from Karl Marx, Engel, Stalin and Lenin. These persons were all the proponent of Communism.

The idea of "System Theory" as far as I understand concerns with political economy of socialism. System theory emphasizes that the production is not for profit but to satisfy the material-needs of the people in the society. It must be bear in mind the System Theory is where the economy is manage by the State - meaning no private ownership of property by individuals or organizations.

Thus, people must carry out what had been planned by the State/Government. What State is trying to say is that we plan everything for your (people) benefits, so you just do what we planned for you.

There are some other information I have in mind but I stop here. So if blogger friends out there have any idea about System Theory, don't hesitate to share because I really need a lot more information about this thing.

Thanks fellas.

p/s: I'm not in favor of communism. This is just for the sake of "schoolwork".
Need A Little Favor Here Fellas Need A Little Favor Here Fellas Reviewed by faizalnizam on September 07, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. fuhhhhhh..masih dengan assignment?

    all d best la eh.x dapat nak menolong,this is not my field.sorry.

    selamat hari rayaaaa!

  2. we also doesn't know bro..huhu

  3. http://www.scribd.com/doc/29959089/Assignment-System-Theory


  4. ops..sory bro...xthu ape2 pasal system theory...
    gud lark!!!

  5. bro, sorry to say that I can't help you T__T because i dont know about that, only know who is karl marx..

  6. @4356142557273222910.0
    thanks man.

  7. @7476510403408305093.0
    it's okay man. i don't know why majority of my classmates agree to do this "system theory" assignment.

  8. @5895394651505348658.0
    selamat hari raya juga iktiraf.

    yerp maseh dengan assignment. :)

  9. @6946705676142531184.0
    no problem bro. aku tgh membaca buku pasal "soviet law" sekarang.
    harapa2 buku tu membantu. tp tebal yg amat. hadoi.

  10. @8539262527635367363.0
    thanks man. takpe2. benda ni memang mengarut sikit.

    aku yg belaja pun jadi buntu. hehehe.


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