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How's The Raya?

Salam fellas and salam Aildilfitri. Not that late I think.

So how's your Raya? Was it outstanding and full of excitement? or just ordinary celebration? of damn lame and you felt nothing? My Raya is just ordinary one. Since I'm no longer a kid, I just felt that Raya is not exciting as I was a kid.

Moreover, it may be because my mind is disturbed by my university's workload that I brought home. They just keep coming to my mind asking and compelling for my attention. Damn you assignments!

Today is just the second day of Raya and we've another 28 days. :) Is there any people out there celebrating Raya for the whole month? Of course that is not my case.

I'm going to Kelantan tomorrow for my brother's home. So I can meet my chubby nephew. He must be getting bigger now. So to my fellow friends and blogger friends out there who are still visiting friends' and relatives' home, keep on the Raya and control your food intake. :D

Have a nice Raya fellas!
How's The Raya? How's The Raya? Reviewed by faizalnizam on September 11, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. raya? best...!! :)

    yg tak bestnye juris :(

    still lost n hilang punca :P

  2. ordinary jugak~
    no more exitation occur since im no more teen

  3. hati2 bro dlm perjalanan ke mana sahaja :)

    raya aku pun biasa tapi meriah dgn saudara2 kat sarawak ni, ramai kumpul kat sini :)

  4. ok la..not bad....
    sedih sebab dduit raya dah kuren..


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