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The "Historic" Liverpool

Before the so called "English Premier League" had been introduced, Liverpool might be the best team at that particular time. Did you know since the English Premier League began in the 1992/93 season, Liverpool never won it. Liverpool won the league for 18 times but Liverpool never won the EPL.

When EPL was introduced in 1992/93 season, Manchester United was the first club to win the EPL and United did it again in 93/94 season. Unfortunately in the next season of 94/95 Blackburn took it from United but later United took it back for two season consecutively in 95/96 and 96/97. Arsenal won the EPL three times and Chelsea twice.

Manchester United is the only team that won EPL three times consecutively and United did it for two times. There is no Liverpool came into picture. To compare the EPL achievement, United had won 11 EPL titles and Liverpool won 0 EPL title.

That's why Liverpool is the "best" team in the world. :D LOL!!

p/s: It is true in the last for meetings.. United lost three times to Liverpool but the recent situation is that United defeated Liverpool with 2-1. And more, even though United lost to Liverpool in that three matches but it does not change any fact that Liverpool never won the EPL. Hahahahaha !!!
The "Historic" Liverpool The "Historic" Liverpool Reviewed by faizalnizam on March 23, 2010 Rating: 5

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