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China's Fatal Bullet Train Crash | Caused By Nature or Human?

If you think our Malaysian public train is not that good. Imagine if you were in the bullet train D3115 on the night of July 23 when the train was near Wenzhou in China’s southeastern Zhejiang Province.

If you survive the situation, you may want to be grateful that our train is kinda good.

The Chinese authorities, however have blamed the natural disaster which is the lightning that caused fatal collision when another bullet train rear-ended it.

But Chinese people have different view about that China's fatal bullet train crash. They doubted the cause of the fatal collision was the natural disaster.

But people familiar with China’s railway system say they were not surprised that such a crash had happened. Some say the crash on the night of July 23 has exposed the serious operational and management problems in China’s high-speed rail system and a lack of concern for public safety.

[source: the epoch times]
Public transports do make life easier as you don't have to be stuck in the middle of the damn traffic jam. But sometimes it could a little bit scary.
China's Fatal Bullet Train Crash | Caused By Nature or Human? China's Fatal Bullet Train Crash | Caused By Nature or Human? Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 30, 2011 Rating: 5

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