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Just Do Some Blog Changes

If you realize the changes of the look of this blog, I really appreciate it because it took me not an hour or two to do the changes, but too many hours from browsing and choosing the appropriate template to editing some codes that were hard to be complete.

I maintain to choose the clean template with light background, black font and some element of red but this template consists some yellow and blue lines. And I think they are okay because they just look nice and nothing wrong with those lines.

And I elected to try the read more function even though I am not sure how it will be very helpful for the blog. So if you like this new look, thank you very much, but if you don't, I am very open to any criticism or opinions that you might want to give.
Just Do Some Blog Changes Just Do Some Blog Changes Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 29, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. wOw.. simple n kemas..
    biase larh kalO nk ubah blOg mmgkena bermain ngan cOding smping sakit mate dOk tgk code etu n ini.. :)

  2. kemas, better for loading time...

  3. Nice and clean template! Fast loading too..

  4. Thanks for the comments friends. Good to know that the loading time is fast :D

  5. siyes dah tak best
    sbb tade chatbox
    camne nis nak HOI HOI HOI awak?


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