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22 April 2014 #EarthDay2014: Green Cities

There is only one Earth. The Earth. If we do not preserve the only Earth we have, we will not have another Earth to live on.  Development is a necessity - but without taking into consideration the preservation of our mother nature is stupidity.

For 200 years we've been conquering nature. Now we're beating it to death.
-- Tom McMillan
What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?
-- Henry David Thoreau
22 April 2014 marked the #EarthDay2014. The focus of #EarthDay2014 is Green Cities. The term Green Cities sounds very nice. If every city is the world can be a green city, we may see positive change to our mother nature. As to this day, climate change is a never ending issue. Green Cities could be one of many available solutions to settle the climate change's issue

Earth Day Network launched the Green Cities campaign in the fall of 2013 to help cities around the world become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint. Focused on three key elements – buildings, energy, and transportation – the campaign aims to help cities accelerate their transition to a cleaner, healthier, and more economically viable future through improvements in efficiency, investments in renewable technology, and regulation reform.

Earth Day: Green Cities 
The Earth Day Flag created by John McConnell
Earth Day started in 1970 as an effort to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The spirit of it is to spread awareness to the people around the world that we must work together to protect our Earth; our Home.

There are many ways to help our Planet Earth and here several things we can do to protect our environment. If we cannot do all, why don't we start with some of them.

1. Change your light bulb to fluorescent bulbs
2. Turn off computers at night
3. Recycle glass
4. Use both sides of paper
5. Recycle newspaper
6. Brush teeth without running water
7. Take a shorter shower
8. Plant a tree
9. Turn off lights
10. Recycle old cell phones
11. Recycle unwanted wire hangers
12. Recycle aluminum
13. Use online directory instead a paper phone book
14. Replace plastic bag with paper bag
15. Download your software instead buying compact disc
16. Pay bills online
17. No paper bank statements
18. Use chargeable batteries
19. Do not pre-heat an oven unless you must do so
20. Use reusable container to fill water instead buying bottled water
21. Reuse gift bags
22. Purchase second-hand item
23. Stop your answering questions

Source: 50waystohelp

Happy #EarthDay2014. Lets keep preserving out Planet.
22 April 2014 #EarthDay2014: Green Cities 22 April 2014 #EarthDay2014: Green Cities Reviewed by faizalnizam on April 22, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. Back to basic - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle :)

    1. Indeed bro. But many still do not care the importance of reduce, reuse and recycle. I think the least we can do is throwing waste into the color bin accordingly.

  2. Happy Earth day.

    Thanks for visiting Comedy Plus. ☺

    1. Happy Earth Day too.
      Thanks for coming here.

  3. Oppss I missed out his one :D Busy oo.. lupa. Apa-apa pun happy belated earth day.


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