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Wife's Birthday Simple Meaningful Celebration

Sunday 24th May 2015. Happy 27th Birthday to my beloved wife. Hence almost the whole day we were out celebrating my wife birthday. We had breakfast at one of the Mamak Restaurant in Georgetown. She loves chapati with ice tea, so we had chapati for breakfast on her birthday.

My wife is a member of TGV and she is eligible for two free movie tickets from TGV once during the month of her birthday. Therefore we decided that we must watch a movie on her birthday. It is been a while since the last time we watched movie at the cinema together. I let my wife to pick a movie we about to watch.

She had decided that we should watch the movie call "Spy". Frankly said I have never seen the advertisement and/or trailer of that movie either on TV or on the Net. But she did tell me one of the actors is Jude Law. I watched Jude Law in few movies and he is kind of good actor. So I said yes, let watch "Spy". It turned out to be hilarious action movie and there was no regret at all watching the Spy movie on my wife's birthday.

From classmates to the married couple. We just don't realize how time flies. 

I will write a review of this Spy movie in another entry. But I must tell you; if you haven't watched it, you better do it as soon as possible. And must I thanked my wife for choosing the movie. We both had good time and good laugh watching Spy. You will be surprise of Jason Statham's role in the movie.

You will get hungry after two hours movie. A bucket of popcorn during the movie was insufficient. Hence we had Kenny Rogers; it was birthday lunch celebration. And one must incorporate shopping activities as part and partial of birthday celebration.

It was a simple celebration but very meaningful as we celebrated her birthday for the first time as a married couple. We pray for Allah to bless our marriage and strengthen our Iman and Taqwa. Marriage is sacred and the one of many important things in marriage is tolerant.

The entry might have been delayed for two days, but it is never to late to wish again and again to my beloved wife, Happy Birthday, may Allah bless you with meaningful life.
Wife's Birthday Simple Meaningful Celebration Wife's Birthday Simple Meaningful Celebration Reviewed by faizalnizam on May 26, 2015 Rating: 5

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