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To Reply or Not To Reply

I truly belief a lot of bloggers out there had talk about this stuff. It is with regard the issue of whether the owner of a particular blog should reply the comments which were dropped by his readers by writing the such replies on his own entries as shown in the following example.
In white box is the reader's comment and 
in the red box is the blog owner's reply to the comment. 

Some bloggers suggested that the owner of a particular blog shouldn't reply the comments left by his readers because it will be reflecting the attitude of the owner of the blog trying to make his entries are actually getting a lot of comments. In fact half of the comments were written by the owner of the blog himself. These groups of bloggers belief such attitude will not help the bloggers to improve their writings.

On the other hand, there are bloggers who belief to reply the readers' comment is something that the blog owner "must" do. The reason is simple - to show that you are aware of their present on your blog and to show your appreciation to them for spending some times reading and commenting your blog entries.Thus, which opinion is better and more relevant?

I choose to say both opinion maybe true depend on the "blog reputation" itself. If you are having the well recognized blog where each time you posted something on your blog, you'll get a lot of comments from you readers, you may be not obliged to reply every comment. People already know your blog and they don't care whether you rely or not their comments.

But, if it is otherwise where you are still climbing up in the blogosphere, then you better take the responsibility to reply all your readers comments to show how much you appreciate them and it will help you to improve your blog reputation and your reputation as well. So I truly belief there is no issue of wanting more comments and whatsoever.

For me, I take the second suggestion - replying all comments - not because to make the entries receiving a lot of comments, but to appreciate my readers, visitors, commenters, and followers. People are spending their time reading and commenting. Therefore by replying those comments, it likes that we're saying thank you for commenting and please come again.

Have a nice day fellas! :D Lets smile with sincerity and honesty.

p/s: Senyum itu sedekah dan itulah sedekah paling mudah. Jadi mengapa tidak merebut pahala yang mudah diperoleh itu?
To Reply or Not To Reply To Reply or Not To Reply Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 13, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. i like to reply all the comments i get.. cuz thats how the relationship between us with readers.. ^__^

    Gud entry.. and gud english too.. ^__^

    Aiz latest entry
    Blogger jenis apakah kamu? PENIPU?
    Original waka waka bukan shakira la
    Negara millionaire yang miskin

    ingin buat link seperti ini juga? Klik disini

  2. nana tersenyum tgok muka kucing bawah tu...
    eh kucing ke?

  3. i do love this entry!.
    i replied almost all my comments.
    me as e blogger feel kind of being appreciate if readers do comment in my entry.
    so i would love to replying those lovely entry.
    eventhough sometimes most of e comments are same!.

    ENTRY BARU ; Teringin Bela Hamster Tapi....

  4. I also take second suggestion, beside to appreciate my readers, it's good to be friendly ^_^

  5. number of follower,for me mmg tak penting..
    tapi kalau org tggal kan comment bg pendapat..
    tak salh kan..
    kalau kite reply atau tak reply bergantung kpd ideas si owner blog yg dicomment kan..kan2..hihi
    tp kan..
    bgust ader yg mcm en fyzal nie...
    pink and white box..
    aja kan anis nak wat acane leyh ke???

  6. salam,nak balas BM boleh
    aii tak pandai speaking laa.keh keh

    bgi saya,saya terima pendapat yg pemilik blog patut balas semua komen dari komentatornya
    sebab kan saya kan kalau sy komen blog orang kan,saya gemar melihat respon yg dia bagi pada komen kita
    blog fyzal sendiri pun sy baca semua feedback fyzal tau.huhuhu


  7. @2812144559223798069.0

    yes aiz.. I have that kind of thought as well. by replying those comments, we may strengthen our relationship with our readers.

    what you're saying is very true :)

    thanks, but my English not so good la sebenarnya... just a broken one. :D

  8. @4701160465322460576.0

    aah nana..kucing tu..
    kucing pun pandai senyum..
    kita manusia kena la lebih banyak senyum..
    betoi tak.. :D

  9. @2777851979258281717.0

    I love replying comments as well..
    hehehehe.. it makes me feel good..
    it doesn't matter if the comments are the same..
    we can reply them at least by giving a smile.. :D

  10. @5430173952896633917.0

    that right bro..
    it not a hard thing to appreciate our readers..
    simply reply their comments..
    and it's good to be friendly..i must agree with that one. :D

  11. @2446490306873833266.0

    yerp.. betul tu cik anis..
    kadang2 orang taknak reply sebab takde keperluan utk reply..
    bergantung pada tuan punya blog..
    tiada betul atau salah dalam hal ni..:D
    kita sekadar berkongsi pendapat.

    pasal box red and white ni, saya pun belajar kat satu blog tutorial dikenali sebagai blog nescafe ais.

    saya tak rekomen sgt buat yg macam ni sebab leceh kita nak main ngan coding dia dan dia ada error sikit iaitu gambar tong sampah utk kita delete comment tak nampak pada pandangan mata kasar dan gambar tak appear bila kita dah publish satu-satu komen tu.

    nanti saya dapatkan link ke blog tutorial tu, cik anis boleh try tgk ok. :D

  12. @7826647427124420042.0

    salam.. takde masalah syahira nk reply dalam BM.. :D
    betul betul..saya pun suka baca respon tuan blog..

    wah, syahira baca semua feedback saya?
    terima kasih terima kasih byk byk.

    :) saya pun baca semua feedback syahira kat blog syahira.

  13. abg hensem punya english fluent lah. ehehe.
    kalau aku, aku reply mne yg patut je, baru nampak komunikasi sikit.

    tu pendapat aku lah.

  14. @895025347913739083.0

    mana yg perlu tu idea yang bagus gak bro. tak fluent bro. biasa2 je, sekadar untuk self training.


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