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Tired and Worry

Just got back from the class. From 830 am until 200pm. I am exhausted right now. Just lost focus in the class. This is week 8 and I have only another 6 weeks before the final examination.

Time does fly and it flies so damn fast. I feel that it is suddenly week 8. Seriously I really worry if I'm not able cover all topics for all subject before "the war" is coming. 

Done registering to further study in LLB for another one year. I hope this final semester, I can do well for every subject, so that I won't have problem to pass the requirement to further my study in LLB.

Hopefully everything will go smoothly as smooth as this Rubik's can roll on the floor. :D
p/s: Have you ever counter the Rubik's like the image above? If you can solve the standard 3x3x3 Rubik's cube. Then the above one works on the same method of solving.
Tired and Worry Tired and Worry Reviewed by faizalnizam on August 24, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. bro, do your best k?good luck

    rubik ke tu?cakap pasal rubik..susah juga nak buat page tutorial tu haha tapi aku memang cuba siapkan

  2. Anak dara Kak Azie pun setempat dgn FYZAL, hari ni depa test... (lain fakulti jer)

  3. oh yeke? teori ikan dan petir tu bole pakai ler kat rubik ni?

  4. hey2..waa...LLB??bagus laa..hope dapat la sambung LLB..boleh masuk court..haha..ye ke??

    btw, all da best..kejap je dah nak final exam kan..

  5. hehe...header bru ye bang??
    memang la time pose ni xbrape nak boleh fokus lam kelas..ngantuk memanjang je...

  6. @6078249342466320758.0

    thanks bro.

    aah tu rubik's bro. tp aku tak sure nama betul dia apa. 360 Rubik's rasanye namanye.

    sama je ngan standard 3x3x3. tp aku boleh maen layer by layer je la bro.

  7. @2792627481837038972.0

    insyaAllah ili. kalau takda aral melintang memang sambung LLB.

    yerp, kalau ada LLB baru qualified untuk jadi lawyer/magistrate/hakim.

  8. @4977041792047511808.0

    boleh bro. Rubik's ni sama je cara maen ngan standard 3x3x3. bentuk je laen. :D

  9. @4221786140174153040.0

    owh.. yeke Kak Azie. good luck for anak dara Kak Azie. :)

  10. @7800938961114260323.0

    hahaha..yerp, header baru. baru2 nak berjinak ngan header.

    selama ni tak pernah letak header pun. tp buruk sikit la tu.

    bulan puasa memang ngantuk dalam kelas. hehehe. tak boleh buat ape2. :)

  11. @Fyzal

    oh tapi yg 30 original punya lain sikit bro,

    p/s:boleh je nak letak gambar dgn rubik sekali hehe, due date 6 september bro, try n good luck :)

  12. fyzall..
    cool nye header baru tuuu

    all the best yerrrr

  13. rubik?? wah! aku mmg dh lama cari mainan tu... hehe

  14. @1858598340330623386.0

    thank nis. :) appreciate it so much.

  15. @2826308156637624119.0

    boleh cari kat Toys R Us bro.


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