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Blogosphere: When You Start To Think "My Blog and I Do What I Want", Then You're Wrong

The following entry is being published after obtaining the permission from the owner of the original entry, Mr. Sendra of Kueh Tart's Blog. Thanks for the permission.

Each person has his/her own version of perspective and it is undeniable. Different people have different ways of thinking. In this modern era, it seems that almost everyone is having his/her own blog.

Nothing wrong to have your own blog. Everyone has the right to say out loud what he feels, to share what he knows and to tell the stories to other people. It depends on that person of what topic they desire to blog about. No one will mad at you of what you blog about unless you're touching the other people sensitivity.

The genre of blogging is so wide. It can be about the blogger's personal life or food or religion or automotive or anything that people may like it. However, obviously the blogger may get better market if his/her blog is about blogging tips or how to get higher traffic or nuffang or anything in similar.

Sometimes the persons not even gave a right tips. They fail to differentiate between followers and visitors but still nobody cares if you want to share what you know. Like some other people who are so overwhelming when telling story about their personal life and it seems that they want people to stalk their diary. Still you can do that and nobody will get angry with ya.

Things will become annoying when you think  "My Blog and I Do What I Want". Some people hate such attitude. If you have that kind of thoughts, you are reflecting your snobbish characteristic. That's so damn annoying man.

This kind of people could be classified as persons who can't listen to other people advice. You better keep the distance from this type of bloggers. This is because this kind of people have no shame to humiliate other people and cause other people's dignity to be at the lowest level.

Original entry by Mr. Sendra of Kueh Tart's Blog at the following original link:
Blogosphere: When You Start To Think "My Blog and I Do What I Want", Then You're Wrong Blogosphere: When You Start To Think "My Blog and I Do What I Want", Then You're Wrong Reviewed by faizalnizam on June 20, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. yes!
    100% agree
    we own our blog and we are allowed to say any opinions
    allive for freestyle blog writing

  2. @9014194317492974675.0

    thanks for coming Syahira..
    but we must bear in mind.. with every freedom, comes with it the so called limitations :)


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