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Random Things [i]

Do you realize that I rarely write English entries lately? Maybe I am the only one that realize it. But I don't mind. It is okay. There are two remaining weeks of holiday and then I will be back in Shah Alam to continue with my law school.

Long time ago when I was doing my first degree, I can't decide whether to continue with LL.B or not. My research adviser told me to continue and she gave me reasons to do so and the most encouraging advice from her was that, she told me that I have potential to be a magistrate - that was seriously encouraging.

Suddenly, I feel like I'm losing my touch of writing English entry. Oh ya, my blood pressure is going down today. Yesterday it was 140/85. But today it is 121/86. Quite an improvement right?

I will quit my part time cyber cafe job by early next week as I have to prepare for my new semester. Plus, I will go to Johor first for my cousin's wedding before I get back to Shah Alam.

It seriously worries me that I will have no time to update this blog when my new semester begins :(
Random Things [i] Random Things [i] Reviewed by faizalnizam on December 23, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. hahaha...same like me...after this no longer update blog..kakaka...

  2. lor...pasni takde la blog cik shabah nak komen lagik :(

  3. @aizuddin
    satu kapal la kita bro.. bila dah start kelas nanti.. mmg payah la nak curi masa layan blog dan BW.

    @cik shabah
    takpe cik shabah. sekali sekala tetap ada update di blog ni :)

    thanks bro. AMIN. moga-moga dimakbulkan oleh Allah Ta'ala :)

  4. Hey, Shah Alam law school! Cool, we're from the same alma mater :D

    Nah, don't worry about that dude... lots of people get the wrong impression of who I am (and what I am)... it just so happens that I have a hobby of making people confused about almost everything, hehehe.

    P/S: If Mr.Rajesh is still there, please say hello for me...

  5. haha... thanks, although he probably won't remember me... it's nice to find a future magistrate, too.

    followed your link back :)

  6. As-Salam...
    To up-date blog doesn't mean you have to write long and winding. One sentence and a picture will do...as long ppl understand what you trying to convey.
    All the best to you.

  7. wwwooowww
    is it because of your oat breakfast diet??
    thats perfectly good..
    almost reach to normal blood pressure..

    keep that~~

    gud luck for your new semester..

  8. @jo qusary
    thanks for coming. good to know my senior :)

    thanks for that useful view.. i will learn to write one meaningful sentence and snap a meaningful picture.

    @anis izyan
    thanks for the wish. I think the oat gave some effect :)

  9. perasan..sebab aku tak reti BI jadi bila kau buat entri bi terpaksa la aku membaca sambbil merangkak

  10. @azmi
    takpe bro. pelan2.. aku pun jarang2 berentri english sekarang :)


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