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The knowledge we have is just a little tiny part of the whole world. You think you learn enough. But it will never do.

More you learn, less you know. And you keep digging and digging. And, if it for the wrong purpose(s), it leads you the hazardous path(s) in your lives. And otherwise.

But then it is better than those who not even bother to learn. They think what they have will bring themselves to the top of the world. They just stuck and going nowhere.

And for some, knowing one thing is sufficient and other things are useless. They just underestimate the knowledge that is not in their majors.

People take different approaches when it comes to knowledge and curiosity is the key. Ask whether you want to know or not? The answer you pick will make you who you are.
Curiosity Curiosity Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 13, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. I want to know everything, like empty can..I need to fill it with coins :)

  2. during modern times like now, knowledge is key therefore, people are getting even more curious than ever, even willing enough to betray, stab, kill, kick, push, whatever... ust to get a spoonful of (probably worthless) knowledge.

  3. tanpa ilmu dan pengetahuan pada zaman sekarang ni kita akan jauh ketinggalan dan kemungkinan akan ditindas..ilmu amatlah penting utk tingkatkn kehidupan kita..

  4. kita tahu tapi tak mahu yang menjadi masalah selalunya

  5. there's no way u would ever satisfy of what you have..keep aiming!!


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