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Harry Potter Finally Comes To The End | But Is It Really The End?

The magic world is fascinating - even though it can't be real somehow. Skeptics may put magic in their top list of denial unless it is proven scientifically. Let's don't make it a polemic. Why don't we just consider magic is just one of things in which people can have fun.

And the easiest example shall be Harry Potter, for sure. When Harry stepped into the small light brown tent during 422nd Quidditch World Cup, amazingly the interior is just damn wide and nice and it just came out from Harry's mouth, "I love magic".

I am not really a big fan of Harry Potter but when you are able to watch it from the first one until the last year of Harry Potter, you just able to have better understanding of the movies. For sure, honestly, I don't read the books.

So the new Harry Potter is about to come and I truly believe all Potter's fans out there just can't wait to see how it ends - how the long adventure of Harry Potter since the Sorcerer's Stone in 2001 will be finally completed this year in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Hopefully I will get chance to watch the finale of Harry Potter and write a review about it. Currently I do re-watch on all seven Harry Potters so I won't be lost of its whole picture. One more if looks closely, Harry Potter is not only about magic - you will also find there - the friendship, courage and determination, a little bit love I think so.

But then will it really the end of legendary Harry Potter? Does the end means Harry will be dead? Or it just to attract audiences to come one more time to watch Harry Potter in action but telling the world it is the end? Will it be the happy endings and people just after all really happy it finally end or at the end of the day people will be craving for more action of Potter?

 Too many questions to ask, so just wait for it.  
Harry Potter Finally Comes To The End | But Is It Really The End? Harry Potter Finally Comes To The End | But Is It Really The End? Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 14, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. years from now, definitely there will be huge events like the harry potter movies marathon watch where people will gather around and watch all eight films back-to-back, recollecting the fond memories that they have shared throughout the 10 years of both the movies and the book series.

    don't you think?

  2. @shandye
    if that event becomes reality, don't you think it kinda uniting people around the world through movies? at least it will be a good alternative of uniting people. I imagine if it will happen. with booths and whatsoever. nice scenario don't you think?

  3. star trek and star wars have their own convention.

    soon... harry potter will have their very own convention where every year people will gather and rekindled their inner-child through harry potter.


    bukan dah ada ke such convention kat uk?

    #googling vigorously for info...

  4. 2 orang anak dara Kak Azie, ada semua buku Harry Porter.

    Untuk filem yang baru (terakhir) ni pun dah booking tiket 3,4 hari lalu lagi.

    Yang pasti, sapa yang dah tengok siri dulu, tentu terasa ‘wajib’ nak tengok yang ini, kan?

  5. ...tp aku pelik knp stiap kali mv ni kuar, sume press fokus kt 3 org tu. mmg la dorg 2 watak utama tp watak2 laen 2 pon sgt penting. aku nk tgk intvw dgn Robbie Coltrane, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman etc. asyk2 intvw 3 org 2. boringgggg... tp mv x boring la. hahahah

  6. @shandye
    maybe we need Malaysian Edition la brother. sebab di Malaysia Harry Potter punya fans maybe ade approach tersendiri.

    @kak azie
    awalnya booking tiket kak. saya lewat lewat sikit la baru tengok.

    patut interview Neville dengan Malfoy pulak kan?

  7. yg pentnig kene intvw dark lord. tp mgkn sbb journalist tkt kot. hahaha

  8. Hahaha... just uploaded a parody of Harry Potter kat blog...

  9. @Jo Qusary
    tak jumpa parody HP kat blog. sorok kat mane? hehehehe.


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