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Post 9th July | Does It Have Far-Reaching Impacts?

Haven't write anything for 2 days. Historic July 9 is over. I followed the stuff happened through the net. It seemed things kinda both good and bad. Some were still suffering injuries and if you want to evaluate whether police had gone beyond the limit of its power and authorities, then you form you own opinion.

Some bloggers must already blog on Post 9th July. By looking at some pictures, you may want to characterize it as dramatic and historic event. Some people see it as the repetition of 1998 Reformation. Some have predicts that this will be the turning point for the upcoming general election.

Yes, I can't wait for the GE because I believe people want to see how Bersih 2.0 on July 9 will be affecting the upcoming GE. Does it have far-reaching impacts? Will opposition expand the states they conquered or it will be otherwise? GE will be the answer for some people but for others it may not.

Politic what builds nation but wrong game will destroy the nation. Better democracy in demand but the definition of "better" itself can be vague. Power in the hand of the people who executed their righst by registering with SPR and go out during the election day to vote!  
Post 9th July | Does It Have Far-Reaching Impacts? Post 9th July | Does It Have Far-Reaching Impacts? Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 11, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. untung lah ade peristiwa 9 julai ni.boleh masuk dalam buku teks sejarah tingkatan 5..masuk dalam soalan spm

  2. sama ada berlaku turning point atau tidak, takkan ada siapa yg mengalah,

    jadi aku cuma harap perjuangan yang bakal diteruskan berlandaskan kepentingan rakyat mengikut batas agama

  3. tak de ape yang membahagiakan dah dlm dunia ni. sume nye nk bgadoh. sedih...


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