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Random Things [ii] | More Efforts Required

Seriously sometimes when I'm browsing and reading blogs especially those blogs with thousands of followers and receiving hundreds of comments for each entries, this feeling just comes to my heart, creates some bad thoughts in my head - it's called "jealousy".

Can you imagine to blog for quite sometimes but then still lots to do to get readers reading this blog. At one point I am just thinking of giving up of blogging. Then I sit down for a while and see things in perspective as I previously wrote before that a road to success is not a road without tribulations.

Thus, I have to maintain my spirit, add more efforts to get readers as I want my views and thoughts to be shared with people out there who loves to exchange opinions and learn from each other. The vital thing to me, at least people get something informative and useful from this blog is enough. I won't expect thousands of traffic coming to blog, sufficient if they will to read, get some info and share their views.

[p/s: Is it because most of time I wrote in English so people don't really interested to come over and read?] 
Random Things [ii] | More Efforts Required Random Things [ii] | More Efforts Required Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 08, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. It doesn't matter what language you write..

    But the basic and the most important thing is blogwalking.

    Leave some comments while doing it and I'm quite sure other bloggers will come to your blog and do the same.

  2. "Seriously sometimes when I'm browsing and reading blogs especially those blogs with thousands of followers and receiving hundreds of comments for each entries, this feeling just comes to my heart, creates some bad thoughts in my head - it's called "jealousy".-SOKONG!
    sy pn slalu rsa camtu gak :(. n sependapat dgn komen si anif tu. x kisah la pkai bahasa apa pun, yang penting org boleh fhm. 99.99% setuju dgn anif. :))

  3. hehs
    rilex la.
    tayah nak jeles2
    nis pun tak ramai follower.
    sebab awak tak follow nis

    okei saya serius.

    nis tak ramai follower
    tapi ade je org komen.
    entri nis guna 2 3 kerat ayat je
    tapi diorg tetap setia.

    sorry le nis tak pandai spiking


    nis cuma mahir mengomong ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    love you!

  4. lama tak datang singgah.

    how was everything? huhu....

  5. @Anif®
    thanks brother. noted :)

    @miss dynda
    trying my best for my entries to be readable by all.

    @Anisa Hang Tuah
    tp awak dapat komen banyak. eh saya tak follow lagi ek?

    everything just same brother but hopefully things will better soon.

  6. i think using english makes ur blog become universal
    yeah could be,there are possibility that the malay's reader doesn't oftenly read the post in english,but u may attrack some readers of non malay
    have u ever promote ur blog to ppl outside malaysia?

    sorry if there any broken english
    *lama x dtg,terima kasih fyzal masih ingat kat sy

  7. kijam kijam

    tunang sendiri pun tak follow kite.


  8. prnh gak dtg perasaan camtu tp xpe, jnji mklumat yg kita bg tu smpai..tp Alhamdulillah ada yg sudi baca even cite dla biase2 je..hrgai sgt2 sape yg singgah n bg komen

  9. @Fyzal @Anisa

    pheewitt! (nak gak menyibuk xD)

  10. aku tak kisah pun dgn bahasa bro, bagus juga boleh aku baca BI kat sini, nak harap baca the star tak larat, rasa mcm banyak sangat benda nak baca ni, rasa tak sempat..adakah masa berjalan pantas atau aku tak gunakan masa dgn baik?

  11. This is back to ur initial intention of creating this blog.

    As for me,i do have my own followers.i have no intention to be a celebrity.

    But i can see that ur doing very well now :)


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