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Ramadan the Month of Opportunities | Grab Them While It Lasts

It is 6.35pm and in approximately 1 hour we will be in month of Ramadan in which there are lot of offers from Allah and the only question is whether we want or not to grab all opportunities that Ramadan will offer us. Personally, each time of Ramadan, I always want to do changes.

And again this Ramadan I hope I will be able to change all bad things to the good ones and I believe I need a good plan for that and if you are on plan as well you might want to read the entry on Affan Ruslan's Blog which consist cute cartoons by Brotherhood Arts.

I won't paste all the cartoons again and write the same blog entry so you must go to his blog and take a look at that entry and then I ensure you will get some motivation to utilize the Ramadan at the fullest. So Salam Ramadan to all and may Allah give us all the strength to go through this Ramadan and at the end, celebrate the Syawal with success of Ramadan.
Ramadan the Month of Opportunities | Grab Them While It Lasts Ramadan the Month of Opportunities | Grab Them While It Lasts Reviewed by faizalnizam on July 31, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. papa cerise.

    selamat berpuasa.

    rajin-rajin bertarawikh.



  2. ::anisa::

    awakpun, selamat berpuasa. rajin-rajin teraweh juga.

  3. salam ramadhan fyzal, selamat berpuasa jugak =)

  4. ::fyza::
    selamat berpuasa juga fyza. lama tak nampak.


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