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July Is Over And August Is Here

July is almost over or maybe at the time you read this entry, July is already over. All July's entries are in English and for August I will write more entries in Bahasa Malaysia. Basically I am trying to balance both languages in the entries.

August, it is Ramadan dan Independence Day. But there are talks that this year we will celebrate the Malaysian Day in 16th September. And right is just not appropriate to have the celebration while we are still in Ramadan-Syawal transition.

It is first night of Teraweh and it is an excitement to go through this Ramadan. I believe all Muslims are full of spirit to start the first day of fasting tomorrow and hopefully the spirit not just for a few early days of Ramadan.

There is a surau at the area of Pusat Komersil Sek 7 Shah Alam but because students are on holiday until September, so it wasn't full like last year of Ramadan. And this year the surau only conducts eight Rakaats of Teraweh.

So Happy Ramadan everyone and have a nice fasting moment tomorrow.

p/s: I was born in the month of Ramadan.
July Is Over And August Is Here July Is Over And August Is Here Reviewed by faizalnizam on August 01, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. selamat berpuasa!
    semoga kita sama-sama mengambil kesempatan utk mempertingkatkan amalan di bulan mulia ini...

  2. ::shandye::
    selamat berpuasa juga brother. InsyaAllah sama-sama kita berusaha.


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